TiVo Publisher for WHS
The TiVo Publisher Add-In for Windows Home Server (TiVo/WHS) is an implementation of the TiVo HMO "Calypso" protocol for Windows Home Server. The add-in installs as a service, which makes your WHS music, photos, and videos shares browsable from any TiVo that supports home networking.
Send me an e-mail if you have any questions or suggestions or run into any problems.
Note: Version 1.31 is now available for download.
Download the installer here (updated 7/14/2007).
Copy the MSI file to your \\SERVER\Software\Add-Ins folder.
Use the Add-Ins tab in the Console Settings to install it.
When prompted for credentials, enter server\Administrator for the user and your Server password for the password. Note: If your server machine is not named "server", then substitute your WHS box machine name in "server\Administator". If you recieve a message that users cannot be mapped, then double check the username. It may be case sensitive.
After the Console closes, restart the Console and open Settings.
Go to the TiVo Publisher for WHS tab and verify your settings (see the next section).
Click the "Start Service" link
Close Settings and go to the TiVo Publisher for WHS tab.
Select Clients and click Refresh. The list should populate with the TiVos and any TiVo Desktop PCs on your network.
Port - this is the port that TiVo/WHS uses to communicate with the TiVos
Cache Photo Thumbnails - this option saves a thumbnail version of the photo for quicker retrieval and browsing. I recommend creating a share something similar to "\\server\cache\photos" and allowing it to save there.
Use XML files for metadata - this option creates xml files that can be used to set the metadata when you view or play a video on the TiVo. You can use these files to set the Title, Episode Name, Description, etc. I have my metata folder set to "\\server\cache\metadata". If you leave the folder blank, the XML files will be created in the same folder as the video. I plan on adding the ability to edit the metadata from the Console in a future revision.
Known issues to be fixed:
You will need to manually open UDP port 2190 using the Windows Firewall control panel, in addition to the port that TiVo/WHS uses, which is 6103 (TCP) by default. (See here for instructions.)
The service may bind to the wrong address if you have multiple network cards.
Some video formats may not play back properly, or the aspect ratio may be messed up in this version.
I do not have a Series 3 yet, so I do not know how the HMO options work on the HD box.
If TiVo Desktop is installed, you should stop the TiVo Beacon service or TiVo/WHS may not be able to send/receive beacons.
If you change any of the settings in the Service Settings section, you will need to Apply and then stop and restart the service for them to take effect.
There appears to be a bug with the now playing list not refreshing properly when browsing videos. Usually moving into another PC or the deleted items folder and then back out will fix it.
All of the TiVo commands and parameters in the HMO specification should be implemented, but if you run into any problems, contact me.
Send me an e-mail if you have any questions or suggestions or run into any problems.
Note: Version 1.31 is now available for download.
Known issues to be fixed: