Star Trek: Voyager

“The Q and the Grey”

Episode Number53 (3.11)
Production Number153
Original Airdate27-Nov-1996
StoryShawn Piller
TeleplayKenneth Biller
DirectorCliff Bole
Q and Junior Q

While the Voyager crew witnesses several rare supernova explosions, Q arrives in the Captain's quarters to implore the outraged Janeway to conceive his child. Q pursues the uninterested Janeway just as a jealous female Q appears to bring Q back to the Continuum. While the U.S.S. Voyager is deluged by shock waves from the supernovas, Q escapes to the Continuum with Janeway in tow, leaving the female Q bereft of her powers aboard a stranded starship Voyager.

Guest Cast

John De Lancie (Q)
Suzie Plakson (Female Q)
Harve Presnell (Colonel Q)

  • The Q Continuum is in civil war and the supernovas are a result of their weapons. The civil war is a result of the events that happened in the 2nd season episode "Death Wish". The Continuum is presented to Janeway as the American Civil War.
  • Q and "Junior" will return in the episode "Q2"
  • Suzie Plakson played Worf's mate Ambassador K'Ehleyr in the Next Generation episodes "The Emissary" and "Reunion". She makes a comment to B'Elanna that she's always liked Klingon females.
  • Q and the female Q mate by touching index fingers.