Star Trek: Voyager

“Ex Post Facto”

Episode Number8 (1.08)
Production Number108
Original Airdate27-Feb-1995
StoryEvan Carlos Somers
TeleplayEvan Carlos Somers & Michael Piller
DirectorLeVar Burton
The Doctor scans Tom Paris in Sickbay

Harry Kim and Tom Paris visit the home world of the Baneans, a people locked in a war with the nearby Numiri. They do so in order to meet with the head of military science, Tolen Ren, to discuss potential scientific advances that may help the Voyager find a faster way back to Federation Space. While at Ren's home, Paris becomes attracted to Lidell, his much younger wife, and ultimately ends up being blamed for her husband's brutal murder. His sentence... to relive the violent moment of the crime from the victim's perspective for the rest of his life. Upon hearing of this, Captain Janeway and Tuvok rush to his aid on the planet. Tuvok takes the investigation in hand, and through the Vulcan Mind-Meld, discovers the proof that Tom will need to clear his name, and regain his freedom from the images that are destroying his mind. At the same time, they uncover a Numiri plot to destroy the Banean people.

Guest Cast

Robin McKee (Lidell)
Francis Guinan (Minister Kray)
Aaron Lustig (Doctor)
Ray Reinhardt (Tolen Ren)
Henry Brown (Numiri Captain)