Tilly, Lieutenant Sylvia

Sylvia Tilly
Mary Wiseman
FULL NAME:Sylvia Tilly
CURRENT RANK:Lieutenant, Junior Grade
CURRENT ASSIGNMENT:Staff Engineer, U.S.S. Discovery NCC-1031-A
PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT:Cadet 1st Class, Starfleet Academy
Sylvia Tilly is freshly minted Starfleet Academy Cadet assigned to the U.S.S. Discovery NCC-1031. She is wide-eyed, good-natured and full of nervous excitement.When the Federation-Klingon war broke, she was fast tracked into service due to her high marks as a theoretical engineer. Captain Gabriel Lorca assigned her to the engineering division under Lt. Paul Stamets to work on the top secret experimental spore drive.
In 3189, aided in retaking U.S.S. Discovery from the Emerald Chain's minister Osyraa.
In 3189, Tilly aided in rescuing Su'Kal from the dilithium planet in the Verubin Nebula, and discovered the source and cause of The Burn. After returning to Federation Headquarters, she was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.
In 3190, Tilly made the decision to leave U.S.S. Discovery to take a teaching position at Starfleet Academy.
2254-2256 Attended Starfleet Academy2256 Assigned to U.S.S. Discovery NCC-1031, Engineering division
2256 Aided in destruction of the Klingon Sarcophagus/Ship of the Dead
2257 Awarded Starfleet Medal of Honor for helping to end the Federation/Klingon war, promoted to Ensign
2257 Served on U.S.S. Discovery during battle with Section 31 Control; Discovery lost during the battle
3189 U.S.S. Discovery makes contact with what remains of Starfleet and the Federation
3189 Completed training on refit of U.S.S. Discovery 1031-A
3189 Received field promotion to Acting First Officer of U.S.S. Discovery 1031-A
3189 Aided in retaking U.S.S. Discovery from the Emerald Chain
3190 Promoted to Lieutenant
3190 Transferred to teaching position at Starfleet Academy